VOLUME: 11, ISSUE: 12 (December - 2024)
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Volume 11 - Issue 12 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Histological and Microscopic study in plant tissue culture: A Review
Binita Basumatary, Mamta Gokhale, Hemanga Kumar Das and Rumana Faraz
01-18 |
2. |
Exploring The Association Gout And Comorbidites As Risk Factor
C. Anitha and Arun Kumar Rai N
19-26 |
3. |
Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Formation in Turkey Berry (Solanum torvum L.) A Medicinally Significant Plant
Dr. Ghan Singh Malothu
27-36 |
4. |
Role of biomarkers to elucidate red mud induced shift in microbial community structure and its implications in soil quality assessment
Amisha Mohanty, Ankita Agrawal and Amiya Kumar Patel
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2024.11.12.004
37-63 |
5. |
Larval eating capacity of indigenous larvivorous fishes against larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus, main vector in the transmission of mosquito-borne disease in south-western Republic of Benin, West Africa
Habib Tamègnon, Nazaire Aïzoun, Arlette Adjatin, Thierry Agblonon and
Daniel Chougourou
64-75 |
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