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Therapeutic efficiency of Noloxone against atrazine toxicity on the Fresh water fish Labeo rohita
B. Manjunatha, M. Srinivasulu, G. Jaffer Mohiddin, M. Naga Raju, M. Selvanayagam, T. Selvaraj, M. Michael Babu |
01–11 |
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Causes and effects of deforestation in Barawal valley District Dir Upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan
Majid Ullah |
12–19 |
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Study of phoBR in Escherichia coli and phoPR in Bacillus: Computational Approach
Sunil Kanti Mondal |
20–34 |
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A Review on Erythropoietin
Obeagu Emmanuel Ifeanyi
35–47 |
5. |
In-vitro Anti-inflammatory and Anti-cancer activity of extracts of stem bark of Zanthoxylum tetraspermum Wight & Arn.
Ravi kkumar VR , Gopal V, Ravichandaran N, Brindha P and Sudha T |
48–53 |
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Health status of the rural elderly in the East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh.
Vani Madhavi Kommula Surendranath Borra and M. Sai Jyothirmai
54–58 |
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Assessment of Nutritional Status and Prevalence of Anaemia among Adolescent girls (17-18 years)
Sajneetha Sukapriya.M and Krishnaprabha .V
59–64 |
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Development and Analysis of Nutrients, Antioxidants in Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Powder incorporated Value Added Products
Kiruthiga.V and Krishnaprabha.V
65–71 |
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