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Volume 4 - Issue 4 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Mycoflora associated with grain discolouration of common rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars and their management
Azher Mustafa and Muhammmad Mohsan
1-5 |
2. |
Observation Trail for Clones Generated from Fuzz at Beles Sugar Development Project
Shitahun Alemu, and Ashebir Gete
6-10 |
3. |
Study of Candida albicans & Aspergillus fumigatus Sensitization among Egyptian patients with allergic Bronchial Asthma
Fawzia Hassan abo Ali, Osama M. Abdel Latif, Hoda Mohammed El Sayed, Radwa Hassan Abou El Fotoh
11-21 |
4. |
A Comparative Study on Proximate and Antioxidant Activity of Brassica oleracea (Kale) and Spinacea oleracea (Spinach) Leaves
Ayushi Agarwal, Nishtha Raj and Neelam Chaturvedi
22-29 |
5. |
Climate change and its effect on crop and livestock productivity: farmers’ perception of Rajanpur, Pakistan
Muhammad Ateeq Ur- Rehman, Naimatullah Hashmi, Badar Naseem Siddiqui, Aneela Afzal, Asma Zaffar, Khalid Masud, M. Rameez Akram Khan, Khawaja Muhammad Dawood and Syed Ali Asghar Shah
30-36 |
6. |
Assessment of disinfection by-products levels in Aga surface water plant and its distribution system, Dakhlia, Egypt
Moustafa, I. Hassan;Ahmed S. Bream; Awaad, A.M. El-Sayed and Nader, A. M. Yousef
37-43 |
7. |
Approach to nutritional security potentials through home scale food process-fermentation.
Ogori Akama.F
44-50 |
8. |
Genetic diversity assessment of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) germplasm based on agro-morphological traits.
Saba Rashid, Qudsia Bano, Atif Akram
51-56 |
9. |
The Prevalence of Poultry Coccidiosis in Intensive Farm and Indivdual Small Holder Poultry Farm in Hawassa Town District
Muluken Gebeyeh and Liuel Yizengaw
57-66 |
10. |
Review on Estrus Synchronization and Its Application in Cattle
Liuel Yizengaw
67-76 |
11. |
Molecular identification and characterization of Fusarium spp. associated with wheat grains
Mohamed A. Mahmoud and Shereen M. Shehata
77-87 |
12. |
Changes in nutrients content of Radish (Raphanus sativus) under copper toxicity
P.Vijayarengan and M.Christhu Uthayam
88-93 |
13. |
Mie Tyndal scattering of spheroidal RBC and WBC: T-matrix calculations
Farkhanda F.Rzayeva, Arif M.Efendiyev, Nargiz Isayeva, Amirullah M.Mamedov
94-100 |
14. |
Happy seeder zero tillage equipment for sowing of wheat in standing rice stubbles
Mazher Farid Iqbal, Muzzammil Hussain, Naeem Faisal, Javed Iqbal, Afif Ur Rehman, Maqsood Ahmad and Javed Akhtar Padyar
101-105 |
15. |
Importance of the Tomato as such as medical plant
Hamid kheyrodin and Sadaf kheyrodin
106-115 |
16. |
Growth of Chenopodium quiona Wild under Naturally Salt Affected Soils
Muhammad Arshad Ullah, Muhammad Suhaib, Raheel Baber,Malik Usama, Badar-uz-Zaman, Imdad Ali Mahmoodand Syed Ishtiaq Hyder
116-119 |
17. |
Effect of Hizikia fusiformis extracts on reactive oxygen species mediated oxidative damage
JaeYeol Baek, Sun-Young Lim
120-126 |
18. |
Effects of fatty acids, nutrients and whole body vibration on bone histomorphometry, mechanical properties and metabolic parameters in male rat
Hossein Bahadoran, Soheila Salmasi, Mohammad Hassan Karimfar, Reza Shirazi, Mohammad Hossein Asadi, Mohammad Reza Naghii, Giti Torkaman, Mahmoud Mofid
127-137 |
19. |
Isolation, screening and identification of cyanobacteria and its uses in bioremediation of industrial effluents and chromium sorption
Mayur Gahlout, Hiren prajapati, Poonam Chauhan, Leena Savande and Poonam Yadav
138-146 |
20. |
Isolation and screening of pyocyanin producing Pseudomonas spp. from soil
Mayur Gahlout, Hiren Prajapati, Poonam Chauhan, Nilam Patel and Dhruti Solanki
147-152 |
21. |
Investigation of phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of Curcuma longa
Poonam Chauhan, Kruti Keni and Raxita Patel
153-163 |
22. |
Isolation and characterization of detergent degrading bacteria from soil
Hiren Prajapati, Poonam Chauhan, Mayur Gahlout, Bijal patel and Hemangi Patel
164-168 |
23. |
Impact of Industrial effluents on Water Quality of Betwa River near Mandideep, Raisen
Mohita Kulshrestha, Birjesh Singh and Subrata Pani
169-181 |
24. |
Effect of microbial inoculants on Growth and Yield of bhendi [Abelmoschus esculentus(L.)Moench] in field trial.
U.Sivagama sundari and A.Gandhi
182-188 |
25. |
Effect of addition trehalose and steps of freezing on sperm properties of bull frozen in liquid nitrogen.
Qusay Mohammed Al-Badrany, Kreem Iwaid Al-Badry, Faris Faisel Ibrahim, Wafa’a Yeedam Lateef
189-200 |
26. |
Antifeedant activity of different solvent extracts of Gliricidia sepium against third instar larvae of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae)
Sajani Jose, and K. Sujatha
201-204 |