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Volume 6 - Issue 4 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Prevalence of Small Ruminant Ectoparasites in and Around Hawassa, Ethiopia
Gedion Daniel, Biruk Alemu and Robel Yacob
1-3 |
2. |
Bioprospecting of Gold Nanopartcicles Synthesizing bacteria from various sites of Bangalore
Ajay Kumar Sahu, Prangya Paramita Acharya, Dr. Rupali Sinha, Soumya Ranjan Meher, Shweta Kumari
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2019.06.04.002
4-14 |
3. |
The prevalence of rheumatic heart disease among Iranian children: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Halime Aali
15-20 |
4. |
Termite assemblages and infestation in rubber plantations of M'Brimbo in southern Côte d'Ivoire
AKPESSE Akpa Alexandre M., KISSI Thérèse Appoh P., COULIBALY Tenon, Diby Yao Kan S., KOUASSI Kouassi P. and KOUA Hervé K.
21-29 |
5. |
Microbiological safety of some food items and substances with functional activity (Review)
Bakhshaliyeva K.F., Bunyatova L.N., Nematova U.V., Muradova-Kalayeva İ. A., Mammadov E.M.
30-34 |
6. |
Мorphogenesis of introduced varieties of Lonicera edulis Turcz. ex Freyn depending on composition of nutrient media
Еlena Kutas, Aleksandr Veyevnik, Vladimir Titok, Lyubov Ogorodnyk
35-41 |
7. |
Production and physiochemical analysis of Cantaloupe wine
Neethu Franklin, Gowtham G. Nair, Govind M. Suresh, Hitha K, Jennymol Joseph, Keerthana P., Sabu K.R., Rajesh B.R., Pratap Chandran R.
42-51 |
8. |
Prevalence of Cysticercus bovis in Cattle Slaughtered at Bishoftu Municipal Abattoir; Public Health Significance and Community Perception about Zoonotic Importance of Taeniosis in Bishoftu
Tariku Geinoro and Beredo Bedore
52-61 |
9. |
Screening and Identification of Pathogenic Microorganisms in Backwaters of Alappuzha District, Kerala State, India
T.S. Athira, BhavanaVijayan, G. Gopika, Theresa George, Reshmi Sudhakaran,Neethu Franklin, R. Pratap Chandran
62-69 |
10. |
Antibacterial activity of extracted and purified caffeine from used and unused tea powder
Vaishali Dange, Sanjay Harke, Komal Joshi, Snehal Birari, Sheetal Hiwrale
70-76 |
11. |
Fertility Mapping of Soil micronutrients of Bako Tibe District, West Shewa Zone of Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia
Gezu Getachew, Tekalign Mamo
77-89 |
12. |
High Power Diode Laser Prostatectomy versus Transurethral Electroresection of Prostate for symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Othman Jasim Mohammed Alzaidy, Ali Kamal Mahmood Sami, Diar Hameed Bajalan
90-100 |
13. |
The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in Erosive and non-erosive gastro-esophageal reflux disease
Dr. Hasan Salman Al Gharbawi, Dr. Tarik Mohammed AL-Hadithi
101-106 |
14. |
Mannitol versus Hypertonic Saline in Treatment of Cerebral Edema Post (MCA) Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction
Dina Hassan Zidan, Hala Shokr
107-112 |
15. |
Nematode Burden in Sheep and Goat Slaughtered In Hawassa Hotels and Restaurants
Dr. Mulugeta Sosango Oforo
113-118 |
16. |
Microbial load of Ethiopian currency notes collected from various sources
Haile Alemayehu and Mogessie Ashenafi
119-126 |
17. |
Comparative Study between the "sublay" versus "onlay" techniques of mesh hernioplasty in Ventral hernias
Dr. Mohammed Hussien Alobaidi, Dr. Nahedh R. Alammar
127-138 |
18. |
General characteristics of new and some rare species of Azerbaijan mycobiota
Bakhshaliyeva K. F., Asgerli L. X., Safarova A. Sh., Shirinova G. F.
139-148 |
19. |
Evaluation of Sorghum Variety (Sorghum bicolar (L.), Moench) Adaptation Performance at Omo - Kuraz Sugar Development Project South Omo Zone, SNNPRs, Ethiopia
Zinaw Dilnesaw, Mohamd Ebrahim, Belete Getnet, Yohanisse Mequaninnet, Hadush Hagos, Abiy Getaneh, Fikadu Fanjana, Abiwa Adane and Tadesse Negi
149-156 |
20. |
Effect of Rhizobium sp., on the growth of Vigna radiata Stressed under Almix and detergent
Saravanakumari. P and Aswathy. P
157-164 |
21. |
Oscillometric Blood Pressure in Predicting Volume Responsiveness Assessed By Passive Leg Raising Test
Dina Zidan, Ahmed Nabil
165-169 |
22. |
Prognostic Factors in Penetrating Abdominal Trauma
Dr. Saif Mudhafar Abdullah, Dr. Wamedh Mustafa Mohamed
170-189 |
23. |
Isolation and identification of Phenanthrene degrading bacteria occurring in oil contaminated soils of mechanical workshops
Praveen Reddy. P
190-193 |
24. |
Alleviative effects of marjoram and propolis against negative influences of adenine on renal and testicular efficiencies of male rats
Abdelaziz A. Diab; Hani M. Abdelsalam; Mansour H. Zahra;Sameeh Eldehamy; Bassant A. Hendawy
194-207 |