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Volume 8 - Issue 8 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Hematological and Biochemical Investigations in Albino Rat Exposed to Cadmium Chloride.
Kshama Dwivedi
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2021.08.08.001
1-9 |
2. |
Abundance and Biodiversity of Phytoplankton in the Halda River during Monsoon and Post Monsoon period.
Mazharul Islam Sajeeb
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2021.08.08.002
10-18 |
3. |
Soil Texture Analysis and Sediment parameters of Halda River, Chattogram.
Mazharul Islam Sajeeb
19-24 |
4. |
Review on the Foot and Mouth Disease, Its Epidemiology and Economic Impacts in Ethiopia.
Asdesach Tafese Mada
25-38 |
5. |
The Effect of Sperm Morphology and Viability on the Quality of Bovine Semen: Andrological Examination and Seminal Evaluation of Holstein-Friesen and Jersey Bulls in Hawassa Artificial Insemination Center, Sidama, Ethiopia.
Gezahegn Shirmeka Hemecho and Yared Dendana Tuffa
39-47 |
6. |
Infestation, Identification and Associated Risk Factors of Bovine Hard Ticks in and around Jimma Town, Ethiopia
Begidu Tesfaye and Abriham Abera
48-56 |
7. |
Livelihood Assessment of Kaptai Lake fishermen community, Rangamati
Mazharul Islam Sajeeb
57-70 |
9. |
The Outbreak, Epidemic and Pandemic of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Imran Husain, Shivam Bauddha
80-88 |
10. |
Growth Performance of Moringa stenopetala and Moringa oleifera Species at Adola Rede District, Guji Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Sintayew Demise, Aschalew Emire and Temesgen Giri
89-95 |
11. |
Deciphering salt and drought stress induced non-coding RNAs from French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Nagesh babu R and Shafia Hoor F.
96-105 |
12. |
Carcinogenic and non–carcinogenic health risk of heavy metal via the consumption of freshwater fish from Gogabil Lake, Northern India
Arbind Kumar and Anil Kumar
106-125 |
13. |
Effect of Trichoderma fortified Vermicompost managing root rot diseases in Cowpea
Subashini S, Chithambaram G, Alagendran S, Ponraj M
126-130 |
14. |
A Disquisition on “Crimes involving Indian Wild Animals – A Veterinarian’s Perspectives”
C. M. Bhadesiya and Y. J. Chaudhari
131-135 |
15. |
A Disquisition on Hydrotherapy in Dogs
C. M. Bhadesiya, J. C. Bhadesiya and D. V. Patel
136-138 |
16. |
A field assessment on Karnawphuli Estuarine Environment: Identify the Relation of Biotic Factors, Sedimentation and other Physio-chemical parameters
Mazharul Islam Sajeeb
139-146 |
17. |
Toxocariasis – Review
Safa Tawfeeq Whaeeb, Zeid Alsadoon and Thuraya Khaled Abduwahed
147-149 |
18. |
Effect of Cadmium on Liver Glycogen Reserve and its Size in Albino Rats
Kshama Dwivedi
150-154 |
19. |
Effects of pesticides and metals on the oxidative stress of fish – a need for Consideration
Sangeeta Singh
155-160 |
20. |
Taxonomic analysis of the Genus Tolypothrix Bornet & Flahault (Desikachary-1959) (Cyanobacteria) and its different species under the family Scytonemataceae and studied in culture
Nikhil Chandra Halder
161-169 |