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Volume 5 - Issue 12 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Agronomic traits evaluation and correlation study in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) genotypes
Bhim Nath Adhikari, Jiban Shrestha, Bishnu Prasad Joshi, Naba Raj Bhatta
1-10 |
2. |
Synthesis and characterization of N-allyl–N`- (4`-methylthiazol) -2ylthiourea
Suhair M. S. Jambi, Samir S. Kandil
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2018.05.12.002
11-15 |
3. |
Prevalence of proteinuria among Iranian children: A systematic Review and meta analysis
Ali Alidadi
16-22 |
4. |
Primary total knee arthroplasty with posterior criatiat scarifying prosthesis in Baqubah teaching hospital.
Ahmed .K. Jameel
23-29 |
5. |
Application of hydrocarbon degrading halophilic bacterial strains as an indicator to locate crude oil reservoirs in Atlantis II deep in Red Sea
Mamdoh T. Jamal
30-36 |
6. |
Adaptation of Released Sorghum Varieties Evaluation in Tendahoo Sugar Factory, Afar Regional State of Ethiopia
Zinaw Dilnesaw, Welday Gebreegziabher, Tesfay Hailu, Fikadu Abdissa, Abera Bedada1 and Getinet Alemaw
37-49 |
7. |
Knowledge And Attitude On Emergency Contraceptive Among Female High School In Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia 2016.
Eyasu Tamru Bekru, Bezalem Eshetu Yirdaw
50-59 |
8. |
Prevalence of Bovine Mastitis in lactating Cows and Associated risk factors in and around Wolayta Soddo, Southern Ethiopia
Kefele Yohannes and Biruk Alemu
60-69 |
9. |
The prevalence of pneumonia in Iranian children presenting with febrile convulsion: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Mehran Hesaraki , Mohammad Hasan Mohammadi
70-74 |
10. |
Evaluating the frequency of bacteremia in Iranian neonates admitted with jaundice: A systematic review and meta analysis
Mehran Hesaraki ,Mohammad Hasan Mohammadi
75-80 |
11. |
Frequency of Thrombocytopeniain neonatal intensive care units of Iran: A Systematic review and meta-analysis
Mehran Hesaraki , Mohammad Hasan Mohammadi
81-86 |
12. |
Mother’s perception of female genital mutilation among mothers in Owerre - Ebiri community in Orlu L.G.A.
Ibebuike, J.E., Nwokike, G.I., Alagwu, S.C., and Kalu, N.P.
87-94 |