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Volume 6 - Issue 12 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Molecular analysis of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Cv. Alphonso from different locations of South Konkan
Vinayak Babanrao Patil, Santosh Vishnu Sawardekar, Ravindra Sadashiv Deshpande
DOI:DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2019.06.12.001
1-15 |
2. |
High-Resolution Computerized Tomography Findings in Pulmonary Embolism – a cross sectional study
Azhar Jihad Salman, Raed Dheyaa Jaafar
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2019.06.12.002
16-18 |
3. |
Implementation of poultry production activities: A review
Tekalign Woldehana Uro
19-34 |
4. |
Caseous Lymphadenitis in a non-descript cattle: A rare case report
T. S. V. Anil
35-37 |
5. |
Prevalence and identification of Ectoparasites on bovine in Hadero and Tunto Zuria Worada, Hadero Veterinary Clinic, Hadero
Eskadmas Assefa Ayele, Tekalign Woldehana Uro
38-45 |
6. |
Isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa for production of a remarkable antioxidant molecule pyocyanin
Alka Rani and Wamik Azmi
46-51 |
7. |
Sheep and Goat Lungworms: A Review
Tekalign Woldehana Uro
52-58 |
8. |
The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Production
Getachew Yilma
59-65 |
9. |
Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Solanum xanthocarpum: Synthesis and Characterization
V. Smitha., M. Priyadharshana and V. Vadivel
66-72 |
10. |
Subacute influence of Mancozeb (80 % WP) on Hematological and Biomarkers in Male Rats.
Gamila A. M. Kotb; Ahmed A. Gh. Farag; Manal E. A. El – Halwagy, Nahas A. A and Reem M. Ziada
73-80 |
11. |
Use of left ventricle longitudinal function parameters for detection of subclinical impairment of LV systolic function in patients with hematological malignancy on cardiotoxic chemotherapy
Sa'ad H. Mohammed, Ameer Adnan Muhsen, Jaafar Ibrahim Jaafar
81-92 |
12. |
Jigat Production Potential of Few Cultivated Plant Species for Agarbathi Industry
P. Hazarika., Daisy Das and S.C. Biswas
93-101 |
13. |
A study on Mycochemical analysis of some edible Basiodiomycetes mushroom fungi
Yogachitra S
102-117 |
14. |
Performance of Advanced Breeding Lines of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] at Mid Western Terai of Nepal.
Netra Hari Ghimire, Rabendra Prasad Sah
118-125 |
15. |
Evaluation of Acute toxicity study of Siddha Drug Eachuramooli Chooranam
I. Nithyamala, M. Pitchiahkumar, S. Visweswaran
126-130 |
16. |
Determination of Optimum Harvesting Date for ‘Royal Delicious’ Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) at Jumla, Nepal
B. Chalise, R.K. Giri
131-139 |
17. |
Artificial Intelligence Approach for Identification of Diseases through Gene Mapping
Pawitar Dulari, Ajay Bhushan, Brijender Bhushan
140-142 |
18. |
Aortic valve stenosis assessment by using the acceleration time, ejection time and ratio of acceleration time to ejection time of the aortic valve
Ghazi Farhan Haji, Jaffar Ibrahim Jaffar, Sa’ad H. Mohammed
143-153 |
19. |
Interaction of Promising Wheat Genotypes with Sowing Dates at NWRP, Bhairahawa.
Himal Prasad Timalsina, Sheshraman Upadhyay, Mathura Yadav, Rajendra P. Yadav and Athar H. Khan
154-157 |