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Volume 10 - Issue 2 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
A Novel Formulation of Piriformospora indica, Trichoderma harzianum and Trichoderma longibrachiatum and Microtiter Plate Method to Determine Siderophore Production
Ishan Tiwari, Dr. D.K. Choudhary
1-10 |
2. |
Distribution and Diversity of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in the Dilawara Reservoir of Dhar Tehsil (District- Dhar, MP)
Hemendra Wala, Shailendra Sharma and Rekha Sharma
11-17 |
3. |
A study on biochemical and sensory quality changes of value added products from Scomberomorus guttatus
Dr. Chitra G. and Merline, X.
18-25 |
4. |
Ameliorating Effect of Whey Proteins as a Dietary Supplement on the Cadmium-induced Toxicity in Male Wistar rats
Hassan Ahmed Rudayni; Mohammed Mubarak; Mohammed Al-Zhrani; Mohammed Al-eissa
26-37 |
5. |
Occurrence of Riccia glauca L. in Satpuda range of Maharashtra, India
Tanveer A. Khan and Shakila A. Bagwan
38-41 |
6. |
Trend Analysis of Poultry Population Growth and Distribution in Ethiopia
Tamiru Urgesa and Lensa Urgesa
42-51 |
7. |
Review article On The Role Of Lutein On Aged-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Priti Sunil Sawardekar
52-58 |
9. |
The Roles of Viral Structural Proteins gB, gC, gD, and Tegument Proteins on the Pathogenecity of Bovine Herpesvirus-1 Infections: A review
Chala Dima Jalata
72-80 |
10. |
Review on Occurrence of Major Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Small Ruminants in Ethiopia.
Asefa Erbeto
81-94 |
11. |
Survival Status and Determinants of Mortality among Severely Malnourished Children Aged 0-59 Months Admitted to Jinka Hospital, South Omo Zone, Ethiopia
Shegaw Abiyu, Tesfaye Gobena, Gudina Egata
95-108 |
12. |
Review on Dairy Cow Mastitis and Its Economic Impact
Nugusu Kebede and Alebachew Tilahun
109-125 |
13. |
Influence of sterilization methods on the yield of viable explants of introduced varieties of Surfinia and Calibrachoa
Elena Kutas, Veronika Filipenya
126-131 |
14. |
Avifaunal Assemblages in Suburban Habitat of District Udhampur, J&K (UT), India
Brinder Kumar and Dr. Ramneet Kaur
132-145 |
15. |
A Review on: Epidemiological Distribution of Major Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Small Ruminants in Ethiopia.
Yonas Dawule Menta
146-159 |
16. |
Burden of nutritional anaemia in Africa: A Review
Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu, Derrick Opoku and Getrude Uzoma Obeagu
160-163 |
17. |
Effect of leisure activities in groups to improve quality of life among Geriatric population
Dr. J. Renusree, Dr. M.Arun Kumar, Elsa Rose Varghese
164-174 |
18. |
Prevalence and diagnostic impacts of viral hepatitis seromarkers among chronic liver disease patients and their influence on the serum levels of AFP, CA-125, and GGT.
Nwaobi, A.C., Ugbomoiko, D.O., Egunjobi, T.O., Erameh, T.O., Emokpae, M.A., Fiyaktu, Y.B., Osula, I., Mokwenye, V.N., Osaiyuwu, O.C., Osaiyuwu, O.F.
175-187 |
19. |
Effect of Gestalt therapy in group among college students having insomnia and to improve their occupational performance
Effect of Gestalt therapy in group among college students having insomnia and to improve their occupational performance
188-195 |
20. |
Survey of Insect-Pests of vegetables crops in Agricultural fields of district Gonda Uttar Pradesh, India
R.B. Tripathi
196-201 |
21. |
n vitro Cytotoxic Analysis of Boerhaavia diffusa Linn.
Venkatajothi Ramarao, Seethalakshmi Illanchezian
202-208 |