VOLUME: 11, ISSUE: 2 (FEBRUARY - 2024)
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Volume 11 - Issue 2 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Genetic stability / variability of regenerants obtained in culture of cells and tissues, its causes and mechanisms – А Review
Еlena Kutas
1-11 |
2. |
Biodiversity and Microplastic consumption
Sai Prashanthi N and Naga Srinidhi V
12-16 |
3. |
Antibacterial Spectrum of Multi-drugs Resistant Bacteria in Grilled Pork Meat
Mike-Anosike, E.E., Eze-Woka, A. O., Oyama, M.O., Akien-Alli, J and Braide, W
17-24 |
4. |
Synergistic in vitro and in situ effects of combinations of Psychotria pedoncularis and Cupressus lusitanica extracts on the development of two morphotypes of Fusarium oxysporum associated with tomato fruit rots in the highlands of West Cameroon
Njimah Mfonmbouot D, Tsopmbeng Noumbo GR, Lacmata Tamekou S,
Ndonkou Nfozon J and Kuiate JR
25-37 |
5. |
Checklist and key to the Elaeocarpaceae, Linaceae, Malpighiaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Geraniaceae, Oxalidaceae, Averrhoaceae and Leeaceae of Jharkhand, India
Ashutosh Kumar Verma, ON Maurya and Kumar Avinash Bharati
38-47 |
6. |
Evaluation of anti-arthritic activity of aqueous extract of Sarcocephalus latifolius (SM.) bruce fruits on freund's adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats
DA Filkpièrè Léonard, TINDANO Basile, BALLO Mahamadou, KOUSSOUBE Ignace, SOUDRE Albert, BAYALA Balé, BELEMTOUGRI G. Raymond
48-60 |
7. |
Proximate Composition and Amino Acid Profile of Tigernut Wastes for Bioethanol Production
Ohanusi, I., Braide, W., Akujobi, C.O and Adieze, I.E
61-66 |
8. |
Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of human tears
S. Jayakumar, P. Santhosh and R. Aruna
67-82 |
9. |
Innovative Approaches in Assessing the Impact of Pesticide Residues on Human Growth, Development, and Reproductive Health
Srinivas Tirukovela
83-97 |
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