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Volume 3 - Issue 7 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Isolation, Characterization and Optimization of Bacteria producing Amylase
Padhiar, A. R. and Kommu, S.
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-1
1-7 |
2. |
Parasites of Hodgson’s Giant Flying Squirrel (Petaurista magnificus)
Sabina Koirala, Hem Bahadur Katuwal, Bishnu Achami and Karan Bahadur Shah
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-2
8-13 |
3. |
Determination of total lipids from five underutilized wild edible fruits in Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra (India)
Vaishali J. Khilari and P. P. Sharma
14-20 |
4. |
Studies on the physico-chemical status of Vishnu Sagar water body at Ujjain city under anthropogenic influences
Sharma Pradeep, Dwivedi H.S., Dwivedi P. and Sharma Rajeev
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-4
21-27 |
5. |
Study on Tannase Producing Bacillus megaterium Isolated from Tannery Effluent
Archana D. Tripathi, Kajal Sharma and Lakshmi B.
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-5
28-35 |
6. |
Autonomic nervous system dysregulation in irritable bowel syndrome
Ahmed El Saady M. Khayyal, Sonya Ahmed El-Gaaly, Mohamed lotfy Soliman, Sarah El-Nakeep, Caroline Adel, Heba M. Abdella, Sameh Abdel Raouf, Ayman I. Mahmoud.
36-47 |
7. |
Parasitological and molecular identification of Theileria Species by PCR-RFLP Method in Sheep, Egypt.
Asmaa A.Hegab, M. M. Fahmy, Olfat A. Mahdy and A. A. Wahba
48-55 |
8. |
A clinical comparison of Dexmedetomidine and Dexamethasone as adjuvant to Ropivacaine in Supraclavicular brachial plexus blocks for upper arm surgeries.
Niranjan Kumar Verma and Ashutosh Ranjan
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-8
56-61 |
9. |
The efficacy of Xenorhabdus sp. in the quantitative determination of protein, carbohydrates and lipids content in larvae of Helicoverpa armigera (cotton boll worm) and Lucinodes orbonalis (shoot borer)
P. Chitra, A. Deepa, and K. Sujatha
62-67 |
10. |
A Study on Anthropometrics and Biochemical analysis among the school going children in Thanjavur district
S. Parameshwari, A.Bharathy and P.Mehalai
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-10
68-74 |
11. |
Biosynthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles using leaves extract of Piliostigma thonningii and their antimicrobial activity
P. Saranya and S. Premalatha
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-11
75-84 |
12. |
Determination of Vmax and Km of ALP, AST and Peroxidase in Saliva of Chronic Periodontitis Patients with and without ZnO NPs: A Kinetic Study
Kadhim K. Ghudhaib, Leka´a M. Ibrahim, Eaman A. Al-Rubaee, Zainab A. Salman
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-12
85-91 |
13. |
Cryoprotective effect of EDTA, lactose, ascorbic acid and L-cysteine as additives on garole ram (Ovis aries) semen
Krishna Prasad Mukherjee, Siddhartha Basu, Ajit Kumar Sahoo, Uttam Datta, Kalyani Ray, Somraj Chattaraj
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-13
92-98 |
14. |
Sustainable Silvi based cropping systems for improving socioeconomic status of horticulture farmers– A Review
Ashok, Shantappa Tirakannanavar, Vithal Navi, Ratnakar M Shet, Shivanand Hongal, Raju Chavan, G.K.Halesh
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-14
99-104 |
15. |
Siderophore Production by Rhizobium nepotum isolated from "Stem nodule of Aeschynomene indica"
V.M.Ghorpade and S.G.Gupta
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-15
105-108 |
16. |
Effect of phytase supplementation in low energy-protein layer diet on availability of calcium and total phosphorus
P. Ponnuvel and Binoj Chacko
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-16
109-113 |
17. |
Evaluation of Allelopathic Effect of a Hemeparasitic Mistletoe Plant, Dendrophthoe falcata (L.F.) Ettingsh on Oryza sativa and Vigna radiata
U.S. Priya and R. Neelamegam
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-17
114-121 |
18. |
Overview of ICT in Agricultural Development of Balochistan Province of Pakistan
Amjad Ali, Jaffar Ali, Qamar Raza, Shagufta Fahmid, Nida Ali, Arsalan Raza, Syed Zulfiqar Ali and Muhammad Basharat
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-18
122-125 |
19. |
Efficacy of RAPD markers for molecular diversity analysis of Withania somnifera (L) Dunal in central India.
Prakash Tiwari and Abhilasha Shrivastava
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-19
126-130 |
20. |
Limno-plankton diversity and water quality in shallow Lake Ecosystem in central Nepal
Gyanendra Gautam, Asha Paudel, Laxmi Poudel, Mani Shrestha
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-20
131-139 |
21. |
Determination of Professional Factors Affecting Working Efficiency of Extension Field Staff in Pishin District (Pakistan)
Manzoor Ahmed, Amjad Ali, Jaffar Ali, Qamar Raza, Shagufta Fahmid and Nida Ali
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-7-21
140-144 |
22. |
Comparative studies on lens structure and function of newborn rats maternally treated with aspartame, monosodium glutamate and galactose
Hassan IH El-Sayyad, Soad A Khalifa, Amoura Mohamed Abou-El-Naga,Eman HM Bakr, Hamed A N Jala
145-154 |
23. |
Consistency between biochemical and molecular assessments for chronic Hepatitis C virus in Egypt
Mohamed M.S. Farag, Adel A. Mousa, Mohamed A. Alhemaly, Ahmed R. Sofy
155-162 |
24. |
Erythrocyte enumeration and serum erythropoietin in chronic kidney disease patients: A study in Federal Medical Centre, Umuahia, Nigeria.
Obeagu, Emmanuel Ifeanyi
163-170 |
25. |
Morphological and Histological Studies on the Female Oviduct of Balady Duck (Anas boschas domesticus)
Essam, M. EL Gendy, Asmaa M. I., Samah H. El-Bably, Nora A. Shaker &Shaimaa H.H.
171-180 |
26. |
Drug Discovery and ADMET process: A Review
Dr. Preeti Sagar Patil
181-192 |
27. |
Production and optimization of alkaline protease by Bacillus cereus RS3 isolated from desert soil
Shine K, Kanimozhi K, Panneerselvam A, Muthukumar C, Thajuddin N.
193-202 |
28. |
First report of leaf spot Caused by Cercospora apii Fresen of Tabebuia argentea in India
Vinay Basavegowda Raghavendra, Nagesh Kallahally Sugnanachar, Govindappa M, Lokesh Siddalingaiah
203-205 |