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Volume 3 - Issue 6- Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Elena Kutas, Aleksandr Veyevnik, Vladimir Titok, Lyubov Ogorodnyk
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-6-1
1-4 |
2. |
Prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli isolates from urinary tract infection (UTI) patients in Kancheepuram dist
Dr.R.Ilayaraja, Dr.D.K.Sriram, Dr.Ashwin Karuppan, Mr.Surendran.V
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-5-2
5-9 |
3. |
Utility of serum miRNAs profile in patients with Cardiac Syndrome-X
Ragab A. Mahfouz, MD; Khalifa MA. El-Dawey, MD; Ashraf Dewedar, MD and Mohammed Abdu, MD
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-6-3
10-19 |
4. |
Characterization of rhizobia nodulating faba bean plants isolated from soils of Jordan for plant growth promoting activities and N2 fixation potential
Halima Othman and Samih M. Tamimi
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-6-4
20-27 |
5. |
Screening of Multifaceted Thermophilic Actinomycete AASD15 for Bioactive Molecules and Metal Nanoparticles
Amruta A Shinde, Ashwini H Kashikar, Sneha M Thomas and Dr. D.R Majumder
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-6-5
28-39 |
6. |
Acute toxic effects of Mancozeb to fish Oreochromis mossambicus (W. K. H. Peters, 1852) and their behaviour
Nimai Chandra Saha, Santosh Kumar Giri, Nishan Chatterjee, Surjyo Jyoti Biswas, Suman Bej
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-6-6
40-44 |
7. |
GC-MS and FT-IR Analysis of Nigella sativa L. Seeds
K. Nivetha and G. Prasanna
45-54 |
8. |
Environmental and Health Impact of Industrial Wastewater Effluents in Nigeria - A Review
J. N. Okereke, O. I. Ogidi and K. O. Obasi
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-6-8
55-67 |
9. |
Evaluation of prescription errors in hospital and other clinical setups of Pakistan
Shumaila Arshad, Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah, Manan Bhatti
68-75 |
10. |
Effect of utilization organic acid supplement on broiler (ROS-308) feeding at pre-starter and starter period breeding on basic performance parameters
SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-6-10
76-81 |
11. |
The Gross Anatomy of the syrinx of the turkey
Ragab A. S., Reem R. T., Rezk M. H. and Nora A. S.
82-90 |
12. |
Effects of Vermicompost (VC) and Farmyard Manure (FYM) on the germination percentage growth biochemical and nutrient content of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)
T. Ravimycin
91-98 |
13. |
Molecular study of Proteus mirabilis bacteria isolated from urine and wounds in hospitals Al-Najaf province
Hashim Ali Abdulameer Alsherees, Ali Jabber Abdzaid and Rana Talib
99-105 |
14. |
Acute and sub-acute (28-days) oral toxicity studies of Eraippu noi chooranam
Dr. Amala Hazel .A.M, Dr. Pattarayan. R , Dr.Banumathy. V
106-112 |
15. |
Influence of seed treatment and priming on growth performance of Eryngium foetidum
S. N. Mozumder M. M. Hossain and S. Akter.
113-122 |
16. |
Lipoprotein implication and Laboratory estimation
Obeagu, E. I.
123-130 |
17. |
Tuberculosis in Diyala Province Before and During the Embargo
Dr. Raad Abdul Karim Al-Hayali
131-135 |
18. |
Desensitization Therapy in Allergic Bronchial Asthma
Dr. Raad Abdul Karim Al-Hayali
136-141 |
19. |
Correlations among grain yield and its components in maize populations
Justin Abadassi
142-146 |
20. |
Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalcin (uNGA|L) as an early marker for contrast induced acute kidney injury after cardiac catheterization.
Gamal El Sayed Mady, Ahmed Aziz Abd Al Nabi, Sahar M. Shawky, Aber H. Baki, Sonya A. Elgaaly.
147-157 |
22. |
Assessment of salivary flow rate and some important trace elements in saliva sample of Iraqi primary school children with aggressive behavior
Shatha K. Jwad, Suha T. Abd, Wasan L. Abdulla
167-172 |
23. |
Effect of utilization organic acid supplement on broiler (ROS-308) feeding at pre-starter and starter period breeding on chemical organic content of main, secondary carcass and edible parts parameters
173-178 |
24. |
Assessment of ZnO Nanoparticles Effect on AST Activity in Saliva of Patients with Chronic periodontitis: in vitro study
Kadhim K. Ghudhaib, Leka´aM. Ibrahim, Eaman A. Al-Rubaee,Zainab A. Salman
179-186 |
25. |
Serological evidence of Hepatitis C virus antibodies among students attending University of Maiduguri medical centre, Borno state, Nigeria
M. A. Isa, Emeka Anija and Aisha Muhammad Ali
187-191 |
26. |
Removal of Inorganic Anions in Brewery Effluent using Banana Peels
Okereke, J.N., Ogidi, O.I. and Obasi, K.O.
192-197 |
27. |
Effects of maize-replaced fermented cassava peels and enzyme-supplemented diet on haematology and serum biochemistry of cross-bred female pigs
Unigwe, Cyprian Robinson; Marire, Benjamin Nwabueze; Omeke, Benjamin C. O. ; Abonyi, Festus O.; Oladipo, Tunbosun Ademola; and Adebayo, Dolapo Muideen
198-208 |
28. |
Experimental Evaluation of Antidepressant activity of Aqueous & Methanolic Flower Extracts of Tridax procumbens Linn in Mice
Praveen Kumar Uppala, Murali Krishna.B, Dr.K.Atchuta Kumar, Vinay Ramji
209-217 |
29. |
Comparison of nutrient content in Redbull energy drink and developed performance enhancing drink by proximate analysis
Rohit Chaudhary, Gurjeet Kaur Chawla, Dr Jonathan Marc Gillam
218-221 |
30. |
Development of fiber enriched bakery products by incorporating fruit pulp waste powder and their acceptability evaluation
Richa Singh
222-226 |
31. |
A one year prospective study of the patterns and outcomes of acute kidney injury subjected to renal replacement therapy
Tarek Z Elbaz, Al-Sayed M Rashed, Abdullah M. Zahra and Mohamed A. Shazly
227-234 |
32. |
Structural investigation, biological and flotation studies of Co(II) and Zn(II) complexes of salicoyl hydrazone ending by thiazole ring.
Magdy M. Khalifa, Hany M. Youssef, Abdulnasir A. Majeed, Gaber M. Abu El-Reash
235-254 |
33. |
Uricase production from Bacillus subtilis isolated from Poultry waste
K. Jagathy, A. Pushparaj and J. Ronald
255-262 |
34. |
Coordination behaviour and biological activity of Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of phenyl indandionepyridyl thiosemicarbazone ligand.
Ola A. El-Gammal, Ibrahim M. El-Mehasseb, Raghda H. Salama, Gaber M. Abu El-Reash
263–282 |
35. |
Isolation and identification of helminth parasitic eggs having zoonotic potency from sewage-fed pond sediments
Soham Panda and Gadadhar Dash
283-291 |
36. |
Microbial Silver Nanoparticles –Review
K. Vanmathi Selvi and T. Sivakumar
292-303 |
37. |
A Review on Medicinal uses of Sangu (Conch) with Siddha Medicine Perspectives
R.Madhavan and M.Murugesan
304-307 |