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Volume 9 - Issue 6 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Enrichment of liquid farm inputs with Trichoderma harzianum for field application
Saju K A, Kanchanashree B, Siddhartha N S, Harsha K N, Pradip Kumar K and Dhanapal K
1-10 |
2. |
Preliminary pest assessment in south Gondar zone (2020) Ethiopia; In the case of crop protection
Geteneh Mitku
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2022.09.06.002
11-15 |
3. |
Review on the Application of Mating Designs and Estimation of Genetic Variances in Plant Breeding
Zewdu Asrat, Mastewal Gojjam
16-28 |
4. |
Effect of different varieties of vetch hay supplementation on performance of sheep fed a basal diet of fodder oat hay
Berhanu Tassew, Adugna Tolera, Mengistu Urge
29-38 |
5. |
Assessment of cattle breeding practice of the community in Wondo genet district, Sidama regional state Southern Ethiopia
Edao Shanku Duro , Yossef Tadesse
39-50 |
6. |
Efficacy of Ocimum tenuiflorum: A strong Immunostimulant, Anti-carcinogenic, Antioxidant, Antiviral, Antimicrobial, Insecticidal fungicidal and Antiprotozoal
Dhananjay Pratap Rao and Ashok Kumar
51-61 |
7. |
Growth and Egg production performances of Scavenging koekoek chicken supplemented with Taro (Colocasia esculenta), Cassava (Manihot esculenta) and Noug seed (Guizotiaabyssinica) cake at Sodo Zuria, Ethiopia
Tesfalem Nana and Aman Getiso
62-68 |
8. |
Phosphate solubilizing Rhizobacteria and Their Growth Promoting Ability from Sorghum Rhizosphere soil
Birhanu Babiye
69-85 |
9. |
An unusual variation of the tendons of extensor digitorum with clinical significance
Manol Anastasov Kalniev, Dimo Stoyanov Krastev, Nikolay Stoyanov Krastev, Ludmil Marinov Marinov
86-91 |
10. |
Multi-purpose use of Social Media for Health purposes: Scooping review of systematic reviews
Ozurumba-Dwight L.N, Soyinka J.O, Ogbonna C.S. Enwere O.O; Iyevhobu K.O;
Iloka O.C; Korie M.C, Kevin-Asogwa L.N.
92-108 |
11. |
Evaluation of artificial insemination (AI) after estrus synchronization of dairy cattle in Wondo Genet District, Sidama regional state of southern Ethiopia
Edao Shanku
109-117 |
12. |
Cultivation of radish (Raphanus sativum L.) in Gangetic riverbed under natural farming.
R.A. Singh, V.R. Chaudhary, Rajesh Rai, Asha Yadav and I.P. Singh
118-120 |
13. |
Epidemiological and clinical profile of patients with Covid-19 in the city of Lubumbashi
Kisoka Kimbungu Thierry, Kakoma Placide, Yumba Georges, Tshiami Eugenie, Mulongo Onesime, Tamubango Kitoko hermann, Kisaka Banza Gaetan, Assumani N'simbo, Emmanuel Muyumba
121-127 |
14. |
Companion cropping of bitter goard and colocasia in riverbed under natural farming
R.A. Singh, P.V. Singh, Rajesh Rai, V.R. Chaudhary and Asha Yadav
128-131 |
15. |
Phytophenolics and functional group analysis of Syzygium cumini L. seeds for antibacterial activity
Selvaganesh C and Sadhana B
132-140 |
16. |
Incidence and economic impact of Bovine Fasciolosis on livestock slaughtered at Bonga municipal Abattoir, South-West Ethiopia.
Mulugeta Abera
141-148 |
17. |
Effect of selective blue green algal species on the seedling growth of Paddy crop
Muthurakku O and Sadhana B
149-154 |
18. |
Case report about Epiploic Appendigitis.
Dr. Mohammed Al-Masoudi, Dr. Tagalsir Alamin Logman, Dr. Ahmed Rashad
155-157 |
19. |
Risk of raw milk and benefit of pasteurized milk on human health and their foodborne pathogen – A Review
Kunjan Hirpara, Rukhsar Ansari
158-166 |
20. |
Epidemiology of schistosomiasis in animal and human in Ethiopia
Yacob Hailu Tolossa
167-181 |
21. |
Study the extension field staff perceptions paradigm about Sustainable Agriculture practices (SAPs) in Balochistan, Pakistan
Rahim Shah, Juma Khan, Muhammad Amir Tariq, Abdul Matten Khan, Ahmed Ali Mengal
182-189 |