VOLUME: 11, ISSUE: 3 (MARCH - 2024)
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Volume 11 - Issue 3 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Clinical Review and Benefit Risk Analysis of Balloon-assisted maturation for Arteriovenous fistula maturation: Experience of Safe Clinical Use of Tiche PTA Balloon Dilatation Catheter.
Mahmoud Radwan Sun Cheol Park, Seung Yeon Ko, Ji Il Kim, Sung Moon,
Sang Dong Kim
1-16 |
2. |
Identification and Characterization of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase E. coli from Clinical Samples at Selected Hospitals in Maiduguri, Nigeria
SFatima Baba Ali, Abdullahi Ahmad Bundi, and Mustafa Alhaji Isa
17-26 |
3. |
Diagnostic performance of the Willis, Ritchie and Bailenger methods in Parasitic Coprology
MEDOATINSA Seindé Espérance, AKPO Ogouyomi Roland, TCHOGOU Pascal, SOUNNOUVI Paul, TESSI Irène, ATCHADE Pascal, AGBANGNAN Pascal, SENOU Maximin
27-36 |
4. |
Effcacy of Cassia auriculata (Caesalpiniaceae) leaves powder on inhibitation of Aspergillus parasiticus growth, genetics and physiology of B1 Aflatoxin biosynthesis
G. Dheepan, M. Dhivyakumar
37-49 |
5. |
Isolation, identification and detection of magnesium and copper resistant bacterial strains of sago effluents extracted from cassava
G. Dheepan, D. Poovarasan
50-63 |
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