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Volume 10 - Issue 5 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Detection of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes produced by two Aspergillus isolates.
Dr. Abha Bajpai
1-3 |
2. |
Detergent compatible alkaline protease from various Aspergillus isolates from soil.
Detergent compatible alkaline protease from various Aspergillus isolates from soil.
4-7 |
3. |
Physicochemical and Phytochemical Analysis of Colocasia esculenta: a promising nutritional Food plant
R.Rajput, A.Tatiya, M.Kalaskar
8-16 |
4. |
A Study on the Diversity of Butterfly Species in Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Dr. Yashwant Rai and Dr. Preeti Chaudhary
17-26 |
5. |
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Catharanthus roseus and preparation of transdermal patches for wasp sting bite
Dr. Arunkumar G, Sakena Joseph, Benedict Sruthika, Raveena Sherin, Raji. K, Yogeshwaran
27-39 |
6. |
Factors affecting the quantity of coffee supply and marketing at primary level coffee transaction center (PLCTCs) on farm level, in case of Sidama National Regional State, Ethiopia.
Anisa Gobaro Naramo
40-59 |
7. |
The Role of Local Institutions in Adaptation to Climate Change by Smallholder Farmers: the Case of Sodo Zuriya Woreda, Wolayta Zone, SNNPRS. Ethiopia.
Lukas Bezabih Kenta
60-97 |
8. |
Effect of Sulphur Fertilizer on Yield and Quality Attributes of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties
Mitiku Alemu, Diriba-Shiferaw G. and Lamessa Gemeda
98-117 |
9. |
Diagnostic Test Methods to Identify Campylobacter Species from Animal Samples
Tafesse Koran Wodaj
118-125 |
10. |
The efficacy of moringa and neem extracts on post-harvest decay and sprouting ability of stored sweet potato [Ipomea batatas (L.) Lam] roots produced in Makurdi, Nigeria.
Kortse P. A., Msaakpa T. S. and Nongo Ngutor
126-138 |
11. |
Sero-prevalence study and molecular detection of Brucella in pigs from sero-positive animal blood in central Ethiopia
Getachew Kinfe Demena, Negassa Feyesa, Biniam Tadesse, Abde Aliy and
Bayeta Senbeta
139-150 |
12. |
Low Prevalence of Bovine Tuberculosis in Two Major Towns of Ethiopia: at High Risk of Spread of the Disease
Tafesse Koran Wodaj and Gizat Almaw Eniyew
151-156 |
13. |
Biostimulating effect of plantain peels (waste) on soil chemical properties, microbial loads and growth of Cyperus iria(Linn)in a heavy metal polluted soil
Amadi. N, F.B.G Tanee and Okogbule F.N.C
157-167 |
14. |
Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic: A Review of Coronavirus Disease on Human Health during Crisis
Saurabh Birla, Shail Pragya, Kamal Kishor Sinha
168-176 |
15. |
Assessment of dominant heavy metals in selected solid waste dumpsites in Port Harcourt metropolis, Nigeria
Amadi N and Chuku O.S.
177-187 |
16. |
Study of water resources of Chandoli National Park, Northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India
Lawate D. V. B. G. Bhaware & M. B. Mule
188-192 |