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Volume 8 - Issue 11 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
A Survey of Some Insect-Pests of Cultivated vegetables in Devipatan division of Uttar Pradesh, India
R. B. Tripathi
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2021.08.11.001
1-6 |
2. |
Zooplankton studies in relation to water parameters of Tedhi Nadi near Katahaghat of district Gonda (U.P.), India
Afshan Khanam and R.B. Tripathi
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2021.08.11.002
7-18 |
3. |
Black fungus in India during COVID - 19: A systemic review
Dipayan Dey, Sagarika Mukhopadhyay, Sudeshna Mukherjee
19-28 |
4. |
Role of Glucosamine in the treatment of Osteoarthritis
Ch.O.V.Nagateja, P. Bhavyasree, E. Jajili
29-38 |
5. |
Microflora in different parts of Cobitis elongata (Balkan loach) collected from Anathalai river in Rajapalayam, Western Ghats of India.
T. Santhoshkumar, S. Harikrishnan, E. Vigneshvar, M. Parivallal, P. Murugesan and S. Jayalakshmi
39-45 |
6. |
Modelling the effects of local food spices on the growth of Salmonella typhimurium.
Oyadougha T.W., Chinakwe E.C. and Braide W.
46-54 |
7. |
Study on prevalence of small hive beetles on honey bee colony in Bako and Hollata apiaries
Rahel Abebe, Amsalu Bezabeh and Yacob Hailu Tolossa
55-63 |
8. |
Serum Micro RNAs 122,221 and Cyclin G1 and Their Combinations as Non-Invasive Diagnostic Biomarkers for Early-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hanan H. A. Zedan, Amina M. Medhat, Laila A. Rashed, Mahmoud M. Said
64-79 |
9. |
Study on the prevalence and associated risk factor of large hive beetle on honey bee in and around Holeta
Mammo Belayneh, Amssalu Bezabeh, Jirata Shiferaw and Yacob Hailu Tolossa
80-87 |
10. |
Review on the role of Allelopathy in pest management and crop production
Temesgen Begna and Workissa Yali
88-100 |
11. |
Blended Teaching and Learning Evaluation
Salve B.S.
101-105 |
12. |
Determinant circumstances for adoption of improved rice variety in Fogera rice production hub of North Western Ethiopia
Misganaw Anteneh Tegegne
106-113 |
13. |
Retrospective study of lumpy skin disease in Guraghe Zone, Ethiopia, 2015-2020
Teshale Bekele
114-123 |
14. |
On station evaluation of estrus response to single shoot prostaglandin synchronization and conception rate of sexed semen in dairy cattle
Sayid Ali, and Tamrat Degefa
124-132 |
15. |
Prevalence of Major Ectoparasites and Skin Diseases in Cattle at Hosanna Veterinary Clinic, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Wondimu Woldekidan, Abdi Feyisa and Yacob Hailu Tolossa
133-142 |
16. |
Comparative Physiological Studies of Dry-weight and Chlorophyll-a, Cellular protein and Nitrogenase activity of six different strains of the family Scytonemataceae (Cyanobacteria)
Nikhil Chandra Halder and Giridhari Lal Tiwari
143-150 |