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Volume 10 - Issue 11 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Larvicidal and biological activity of weed plants in Coimbatore against filarial vector, Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) (Insecta: Diptera: Culicidae)
S. Deepalakshmi , M.Shalamath, Pratibha Nayak
1-10 |
2. |
Prevalence of Bovine Hydatidosis in Postmortem Examination at Dinkula town of Endegagn Woreda Municipal Abattoir, Ethiopia
Mesele Kebede Mareto
11-16 |
3. |
A Review on Epidemiology, Economic Importance and Common Causes of Dairy Calf Morbidity and Mortality
Yeshiwas Seifu Fanda
17-23 |
4. |
Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites of Small Ruminant in Sodo Zuria District, South Ethiopia
Berhanu Butako
24-36 |
5. |
Review on Molecular Epidimiology of Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus in Small Ruminants in Ethiopia
Abdela Bulbula and Kemal Emiyu
37-48 |
6. |
Effect of the Fungicide Bavistin on in vitro Germination of Pollen of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. and Clitoria ternatea L.
Saloni Bahri, Madhu Bajaj, Renuka Agrawal, Somdutta Sinha Roy, Mishthi Khurana and Yamini Sharma
49-58 |
7. |
Bovine Trypanosomosis and its Status in Ethiopia
Tomas Tonjo Torka
59-71 |
8. |
Application of bacteriocins in food industry: A Review article
Mamo Bekele and Mulatu Workie
72-83 |