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October- 2015 Volume 2 - Issue 10 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Establishment of in vitro aseptic culture of Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. - A traditional hair growth promoting plant
S. Sivasankari, A. Lavanya and R. Karthic |
1-6 |
2. |
Assessment of microbiological safety of street orange fresh fruit juice sold at Chidambaram, India
BIKORIMANA Jean Pierre and Dr K. Sivasubramani |
7-11 |
3. |
Effect of pre-sowing treatments on seed germination of Adansonia digitata L.in field condition
Mulani R. M. and Kharate M. S. |
12-15 |
4. |
Manage the Menace of Aphids on Celery
Ravinder Singh Chandi and Anureet Kaur
16-20 |
5. |
Prevalence of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), Jassid (Amrasca biguttula) and Thrips (Thrips tabaci) in standing cotton crop in Toba Tek Singh, Punjab Pakistan
Munir Ahmad Chohan, Saleem Hussain, Muhammad Yasir, Amer Rasul,
Allah Rakha Sajjid, Muhammad Anjum Ali and Mazher Farid Iqbal |
21-23 |
6. |
Biological properties and conservation of critically endangered plant Withania coagulans - Indian Rennet: A Review
Nishesh Sharma, Durgesh, Varnika, Eapen P Koshy, Manjul Dhiman
24-31 |
7. |
The utilization efficiency of fertilizer N and K to improve yellow Manado Corn production and quality in Tomohon city
Anatje Lihiang
32-38 |
8. |
Histological study of reproductive cycle of estuarine clam, Katelysia opima
Santosh Kamble and Deepak Muley
39-43 |
9. |