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Volume 8 - Issue 9 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Echinococcosis- Review
Safa Tawfeeq Whaeeb, Zeid Alsadoon and Ali Hussein Fadhil
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2021.08.09.001
1-3 |
2. |
Screening, Biochemical Characterization and Molecular Identification of Antibiotic Resistant Fish Pathogen Pseudomonas plecoglossicida
Anita Mishra and Ragini Gothalwal
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2021.08.09.002
4-14 |
3. |
Screening, Isolation, Identification, Whole Cell Immobilization and Optimization of Bacillus amyloliquifaciens for Production of Amylase.
Mrs. Leena Pathak
15-22 |
4. |
Microbial pathogens in canned fish collected from Tamil Nadu
Palaniappan Dhinesh, Sekar Harikrishnan, Alager Kartick, Murugan Parivallal, Thirugnanasambandam Ramanathan, Singaram Jayalakshmi
23-29 |
5. |
Variation in subjective sleep measures and its impact on sleep quality
Dr Sangeeta Singh
30-36 |
6. |
Exploring the understanding of basic genetic facts and disease related concepts among people based on gender, age and residential area
Yuvika Bisht
37-49 |
7. |
Prevalence of Bovine Fasciolosis in Postmortem Examination at Dinkula town of Endegagn Woreda Municipal Abattoir, Ethiopia
Mesele Kebede Mareto
50-55 |
8. |
An overview on Anthelmintic drug resistance against
gastro-intestinal nematodes of ruminants with particular emphasis to Ethiopian situation
Yacob Hailu Tolossa
56-64 |
9. |
Assessment for the Distribution of Yellow Rust at Lemo, Misha and Duna Districts of Hadiya Zone
Ashagre Asnakew Zewde
65-71 |
10. |
Wild edible plants associated with the people of Thoubal Khunou village and its migrated villagers
Okram Sonia Devi, Thoudam Nabachandra Singh, Laishram Jairaj Singh
72-90 |
11. |
Development of Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus Resistant Genotypes in Blackgram
M. Pandiyan and S. Geetha
91-98 |
12. |
Herbicidal Effect on Tolypothrix distorta Kuetz. ex Bron. et Flah and Camptylonemopsis lahorensis (Ghose) under the family Scytonemataceae and their Comparative Studies on Growth (Chlorophyll-a.μg/ml) and Nitrogenase Activity (n mole C2H4/μgchl.a/h) under culture in three different days
Nikhil Chandra Halder and Giridhari Lal Tiwari
99-106 |