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April - 2016 Volume 3 - Issue 4 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
A comparative primary structure analysis of phosphofructokinase from different plant pathogenic bacteria
Ayon Pal |
1-7 |
2. |
Potential of 4-Hydroxypropiophenone against Matrix Metalloproteinase 10: An In-silico docking study
P.R. Kiresee Saghana and S. Hemalatha |
8-12 |
3. |
Co(II) and Cu(II) complexes of oxime hydrazone derivative: Structural, geometrical, biological studies and ion-flotation separation of Cu(II) ions.
Hany M. Youssef, Mohammed M. El-Gamil, YasirKh. Abdulhamed, Gaber M. Abu El-Reash
13-29 |
4. |
Some hematological and biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetic patients Missan/ Iraq
Al-Ali, Z. A. J
30-34 |
5. |
Teenage Pregnancy in Upper Egypt
Mohamed Abdelsattar
35-41 |
6. |
Clinico - Therapeutic management of Sarcoptic mange in a Rabbit
Bharath Kumar Reddy C, Amaravathi M and Jyosthna S
42-44 |
7. |
Effect of organic, conventional and integrated soil amendments in agronomic performance of sugar cane in Ethiopia
Alemayehu Dengia
43-50 |
8. |
Therapeutic Management of contagious Ecthyma (Orf) in sheep
Bharath Kumar Reddy C, Amaravathi M and Jyosthna S
51-53 |
9. |
Physico-Chemical characterization of Anabaena spp. in five district of Chhattisgarh state, India.
Dr. Sangita Devi Sharma and Pankaj Jain
54-57 |
10. |
Analysis of political factors affecting working efficiency of agricultural extension field staff in Pishin district of Balochistan
Manzoor Ahmed, Amjad Ali and Jaffar Ali
58-62 |
11. |
Stem cells and their potential therapeutic applications
Mariya Rouf and Ovais Karnain
63-70 |
12. |
Serum Retinol Binding Protein 4 and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Some Egyptian Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Ibrahim NA, Eldeeb M, Abdelmonem T
71-79 |
13. |
Case-control observational analytic study of Autologous Bone Marrow Derived Hepatocyte-like cell Transplantation in Child B Liver Cirrhosis Patients
Nouman Algarem, Mona Amin, Mohamed Abu Saif, Nagwa Ramadan, Rasha M Abdel Samie, Barakat Alsayed and Hala Gabr
71-79 |
14. |
Haematological variables in rheumatoid arthritis patients in Imo state Nigeria
Okoroiwu, I.L, Obeagu, E.I., Obeagu, G.U.
91-98 |
15. |
Synthesis, Spectral and Biological studies of transition metal complexes of schiff base derived from Ofloxacin
Rabia Arshad, Iftikhar Hussain Bukhari, Fareeha Anum, Zartasha Aftab, Zahida Noreen
99-108 |
16. |
Fisheries statues in Derna coast, Eastern Libya
109-116 |
17. |
Effect of Probionts with different feed additives on growth in Pearl spot, Etroplus suratensis
Dr. S. J. Sreeja, Dr. A. Tamilselvi, Dr. A. Palavesam
117-122 |
18. |
Role of humic acid and amino acids in limiting loss of nitrogen fertilizer and increasing productivity of some wheat cultivars grown under newly reclaimed sandy soil
Kandil A. A.;Sharief A. E.M.;Seadh S.E. and Altai D. S. K.
123-136 |
19. |
Biofilm and Food industry
K Vrinda Menon
137-142 |
20. |
Effect of habitat fragmentation on some aspects of reproduction among Praomys delectorum Sub-Populations in the Taita and Kyulu Hills, Kenya
John Gitonga: Jemimah Simbauni: Nicholas Oguge
143-151 |
21. |
Estimation of ZnO Nanoparticles Effect on Salivary ALP Activity in Chronic Periodontitis Patients: in vitro study
Leka´aM. Ibrahim, Kadhim K. Ghudhaib, Eaman A. Al-Rubaee,Zainab A. Salman
152-159 |
22. |
Isolation of bacteria of public health significance from market beef
Binsy Mathew, E. Nanu and B. Sunil
160-164 |
23. |
Study on fungi associated with spoilage of bread
Nirmala Ravimannan, Pathmanathan Sevvel, Selvaratnam Saarutharshan
165-167 |
24. |
In vitro effectiveness of hCG on the induction of steroidogenesis in the oocyte of Cirrhinus mrigala
Uma T., Saravanan N., Inbaraj R.M., & Jothi Narendiran N.
168-175 |
25. |
Farmer’s perception regarding extension activities conducted by Agricultural Extension Field Staff in Barkhan District of Balochistan before and after Decentralization
Jaffar Ali, Badar Naseem Siddiqui and Amjad Ali
176-182 |
26. |
An exclusionary approach to recover Iron deficiency by POLYROL: an over view of Iron Polymaltose complex.
Khemariya Prashant, Khemariya Richa and Jain Amit
183-188 |
27. |
Secondary metabolites from Phalaris minor responsible for the alteration of various growth parameters of the wheat crop (Triticum aestivum) GW -273.
Muzafar Akbar Rather, Aparna Alia, Waseem Ahmad
189-193 |
28. |
Molecular Characterization and Cytopathological Studies of Potato Virus Y Isolated from Potato Sprout in Egypt
Sahar A.Youssef, Eslam Arafa, Gehan Safwat and A. A. Shalaby
194-204 |
29. |
The Effect of Harvest Age on Maturity Indices of Quality Parameters of Sugar Cane Varieties at Metahara Sugar Estate in Cool Season
Yohannes Mequanent
205-210 |
30. |
Establishment of Efficient Cellulolytic Bacterial Consortium Potential for Designed Composting of Rice Straw
Mohamed Ali Abdel-Rahman
211-228 |
31. |
Isolation of chitinase producing Streptomyces albus FS12, production and optimization of extracellular chitinase
R. Santhi
229-237 |
32. |
Antibiogram of Acinetobacter baumanii Isolated from Baghdad Hospitals.
Mohammed Y. Al-Samaree and Zahra M. Al-Khafaji
238-242 |
33. |
Hibiscus sabdariffa - A natural micro nutrient source
Thongam Chanu Anel, Rocky Thokchom, M. Sylvia Subapriya, Jenita Thokchom and Sanasam Sanjay Singh SOI: http://s-o-i.org/1.15/ijarbs-2016-3-4-33
243-248 |
34. |
Effects of chromium (VI) on the lipid peroxidation and antioxidantparameters in the gill and kidney tissues of catfish,Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes)
Madhavan P and K. Elumalai
249-255 |