VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: 6 (June - 2023)
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Volume 10 - Issue 6 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Clinical and regulatory review of Duplex‐guided Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty in Iliac Arterial Occlusive Disease
M. Radwan A.G. Krasznai, T.A. Sigterman, R.J. Welten, R. Heijboer,
C.J.J.M. Sikkink, L.H.J.M. van de Akker, L.H. Bouwman
1-10 |
2. |
Clinical Trial Review to Compare Cryoplasty versus Conventional Angioplasty in the Popliteal Artery: Midterm Results of the COLD Study
Mahmoud Radwan PhD Thomas Jahnke, MD, PhD,
Stefan Mueller-Huelsbeck, MD, PhD, Nicholas Charalambous, MD,
Jens Trentmann, MD, Azadeh Jamili, MD, Tim Hendrik Huemme, MD, Hendrik Bolte, MD, PhD, Martin Heller, MD, PhD, and Philipp Jost Schaefer, MD
11-25 |
3. |
The effect of Milkweeds (Calotropis procera), Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus), Ageratum(Ageratum houstonianum), Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf extracts as a larvicide against Aedes aegypti
Annu Yadav & Newton Paul
26-33 |
4. |
Eco-Friendly Management of striped mealybugs (Ferrisia virgata) Infestation over Portulaca sp.by using herbal Pesticide
Akanksha Tripathi
17-26 |
5. |
Significance of Biochar for Acidic Soil Management: A Review
Misganew Andualem
41-53 |
6. |
The Principles, Application and Challenges of Gene therapy in Veterinary Medicine: A Review
Abdela Bulbula and Amanuel Balemi
54-71 |
7. |
Establishing Honey Bee Floral Calendar in East Wollega Zone, Western Oromia, Ethiopia
Amsalu Arega, Tusa Gemechu
72-88 |
8. |
Review on: Major transboundry animal diseases and its economic impacts in Ethiopia
Tamenech Bandaw Maja
89-104 |
9. |
Neuromodulatory Properties of Soyabean Bioactive Proteins and Peptides
Victor Duniya SHENENI, Isaac Sokoato MOMOH and Victoria Sokolayame EMMANUEL
105-122 |
10. |
Studies on antibacterial activity of Tamarindus indica against bacteria causing urinary tract infection.
P. Vadivukkarasi,, B. Keerthana, P. Sugapriya, R .Sowmiya, S.V. Ramyadharshini
126-138 |
11. |
Rainfall Variability Analysis of Saurashtra Region of Gujarat
Pandya P. A., Parmar S. H., Prajapari G. V., Gohil G. D. and Vadalia D. D.
131-140 |
12. |
Effect of growth regulators on the pigment content in rhododendron regenerants (Rhododendron L.) in sterile culture
Elena Kutas
141-147 |
13. |
Checklist and key to the Scrophulariaceae of Bihar, India
Kumar Avinash Bharati
148-161 |
14. |
Mechanisms of development of type 2 diabetes
Maitham Abdallah Albajy, Dan Florin Mihailescu
162-179 |
15. |
Listeria Survival and Growth in Fresh Cut Vegetable
Mike-Anosike, E.E and Braide, W
180-187 |
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