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March - 2016 Volume 3 - Issue 3 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Disturbed protein content in Egyptian cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by some novel chitin synthesis inhibitors.
A.Basiouny, K. Ghoneim, M. Tanani, Kh. Hamadah, and H. Waheeb |
1-12 |
2. |
Estimation of some salivary elements in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Ali Y. Majid, Suha T. Abd, Wasan L. Abdulla |
13-17 |
3. |
Some salivary constituents changes in anemic patients
Khalid Hamdan Ghathwan, Suha Talal Abd, Shatha Kasem Jwad, Ali H.AL Saadi.
18-22 |
4. |
Cryptosporidium species in ducks: parasitological, serological and molecular studies in Egypt.
Kalifa, M.M., Nassar, A.M., Nisreen, E.M., Abdel-Wahab, A.M.
23-31 |
5. |
Production, isolation, purification and partial characterization of an extracellular acid protease from Aspergillus niger
Ahmad Fazilat
32-38 |
6. |
Prevalence and pathomorphology of circulatory disturbances in sheep
Amaravathi M, K. Satheesh, P. Annapurna and K V Subramanyam
39-42 |
7. |
Prevalence and pathology of abnormalities of inflation in sheep
Amaravathi M, K. Satheesh, P. Annapurna and K V Subramanyam
43-46 |
8. |
Evaluation of synthetic sea water for larvae culture of gangetic prawn Macrobrachium gangeticum (Bate)
Dr. Prasanti Mishra
47-56 |
9. |
Development of eye regions and Harderian glands in young Chameleo chameleon
Ahmed A. El Mansi , Dalia A. Sabry, Yosra A. Fouda
57-67 |
10. |
The prognostic significance of neutrophil polymorph and band counts in under-five children with sepsis in Umth
Ezimah, Anthony C.U., Obeagu, Emmanuel Ifeanyi, Ahmed, Hassan, Ezimah, Uloaku A. and Ezimah, Chinyereugo O
68-74 |
11. |
Production of Prodigiosin from Serratia marcescens and its antioxidant and anticancer potential
Vijayalakshmi, K. and Jagathy. K
75-88 |
12. |
In vitro and In vivo Pathogenicity tests of Local Isolates APEC from Naturally Infected Broiler in Baghdad
Abdel Ameer H. Zahid, Muna Turkey Mossa AL-Mossawei, Aaisha B. Mahmood
89-100 |
13. |
Documentation of medicinal plants used by malayali tribes in Kolli Hills
A. Anjalam, S. Kalpana, D. Vijai and S. Premalatha
101-107 |
14. |
Morphogenesis of rhododendron yellow, introduced varieties of high bush blueberry, red bilberry ordinary, depending on the composition of the nutrient media
Elena Kutas, Aleksandr Veyevnik, Vladimir Titok, Lyubov Ogorodnyk
108-112 |
15. |
Analysis of Fonio, Digitaria exilis Stapf. Production in Northwest Benin, West Africa
Armand A. PARAÏSO., A. ZOCLANCLOUNOU., Emmanuel SEKLOKA ., Herman Michel BATAMOUSSI., Franck AKOGBETO., Komlan BATAWILA., Adolé Isabelle GLITHO and Ambaliou SANNI
113-122 |
16. |
Impact of certain biorational management practices against Cylas formicarius on sweet potato.
Devi, M. and Niranjana. V
123-133 |
17. |
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Diversity in Acacia nilotica subsp. indica (Benth.) Brenan under Arid Agroecosystems of Western Rajasthan
Neelam Verma, Jagadish Chandra Tarafdar, Krishna Kant Srivastava and Bhawana Sharma
134-143 |
18. |
The insecticidal activity of two medicinal plants (Commiphora molmol) and (Balanites aegyptiaca) against the blowfly Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Hoda, S. Mohamed; M.M. Fahmy; Attia, M.M. Rabab, M. El Khateeb;H. A. Shalaby and A.M. Massoud.
144-158 |
19. |
Entomological survey of pests of rice nursery and crop in district Sialkot Punjab-Pakistan
Maqsood Ahmad, Zuhaib Ahmad, Talfoor ul Hassan, Muhammad Latif, Muzzammil Hussain, Mazher Farid Iqbal, Muhammad Javed Shahzad, Muhammad Farooq, Allah Rakha Sajjid and Muhammad Anjum Ali
159-164 |
20. |
Preliminary phytochemical standardization and Evaluation of anti-dysentery activity of alcoholic extract of Hydrocotyle asiatica
Sonia Auddy, Sujit Karmakar and Chandrima Chatterjee
165-171 |
21. |
Prediction and Determination of a Radon Gas levels in animals barns air and it's effect on animal health
Drgham Hamza Yousif Al-Zwean
172-174 |
22. |
The optimum conditions for quantitative and qualitative flowering in chrysanthemum and the endogenous hormones associated with flowering
Anber M. A. Hassanein and Sattam M. Alsattami
175-185 |
23. |
Crossed Testicular Ectopia-A Rare Anomaly. A Case Report
Mohamad Theyab Hamad Hussein
186-189 |
24. |
Physicochemical characterization of cassava (Manihot esculenta) elite cultivars of Southern Benin
Mehouenou F. M., Dassou A., Sanoussi F., Dansi A., Adjatin A., Dansi M., Assogba P. and Ahissou H.
190-199 |
25. |
Ecological Integrity of River Water Quality: in Relation to Primary Productivity and Cyanotoxin Occurrence
Brajesh K. Dwivedi
200-207 |
26. |
Prevalence and Aetiopathological studies of ovine interstitial pneumonia
Amaravathi M, Satheesh K, Annapurna P and Subramanyam K V
208-210 |
27. |
Textile industry Dye degrading by bacterial strain Bacillus sp.
Dr. A. Ezhilarasu
211-226 |
28. |
Clinical, Haemato - Biochemical and Managemental studies of zinc deficiency in a calf
Amaravathi M, Bharath Kumar Reddy C, Jyosthna Devi S
227-229 |
29. |
Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Promotes Agronomic Traits of Ginger(Zingiber officinale Rosc.)
Amaravathi M, Bharath Kumar Reddy C, Jyosthna Devi S
230-237. |
30. |
Isolation and characterization of PGPR from rhizosphere of Sesame indicum L.
Rashi Jaisingh, Alok Kumar, Manjul Dhiman
238-244 |
31. |
Potential capability of Azanza garckeana fruits aqueous extract on enhancement of iron absorption in Wistar albino rats
Reem Hassan Ahmed, Muddathir Siddig El Hassan , Hashim Mohammed El Hadi
245-250 |
32. |
Study on female reproductive performance of Kamohri goat managed under traditional management conditions in district Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan
Hamzo Khan Kunbhar, A. A. Memon, A. L. Bhutto, Zahid Iqbal Rajput, V. Suthar, Azizullah Memon and R. A. Leghari
251-260 |
33. |
Influence of customized fertilizers on bio-chemical composition of V1 Mulberry
P. N. Shyla, Fatima Sadatulla, Vasudha Prabhakar, Pallavi, Rashmi. S, Harish Babu. S and Raksha Sharma, C.
251-260 |
34. |
Efficacy of the Bacteriocin in combination with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for reduction E.coli O157:H7 and increase the shelf life of raw milk
Zina Saab Khudhir
265-270 |
35. |
In vitro Evaluation the effect of Natural Products against Vibrio cholerae
Khulood M. Alsaraf, Suha T. Abd, Nada S. Hussein, Aseel A. Jabor
265-270 |
36. |
Bioequivalence study of two oral formulations of clarithomycin following a single dose administration to healthy male subjects under fasting conditions
Khulood M.Alsaraf
265-270 |
37. |
Rapamycin- A Future versatile drug
P. Srinija, M. Guravaiah and CH.Mahima Devi
265-270 |