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Volume 9 - Issue 5 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Effect of probiotic and prebiotic supplementation on performance and immune response of broiler chickens vaccinated against Newcastle disease
Abah H.O, Ogbe E, Assam A, Semaka A.A, Ogbaje C.I
1-11 |
2. |
Compositional Analysis of Four Varieties Of Rice – Cheruvally, Njavara, D1 And Bhadra.
Neethu Ravikumar and Anooja Thomas
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2022.09.05.002
12-18 |
3. |
The Origin and Evolution of Birds
19-38 |
4. |
Review on the Pneumonic Pasteurellosis of Cattle in Ethiopia
Yared Tesfay Kahsay
39-50 |
5. |
Prevalence of coarctation recurrence after stenting treatment for aortic coarctation in Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Saeedeh Rashki Ghalenoo
51-57 |
6. |
The prevalence of AKI in Iranian children with CHD; A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Mahboobeh Sheikh, Pouya Ostad Rahimi
58-64 |
7. |
The Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus among Iranian Breast Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Batool Shahraki Mojahed
65-72 |
8. |
Screening and characterization of a bacterial amylase from some decaying roadside fruit samples in Kaduna township, Nigeria
Ekpa, Emmanuel, Bashir Bello Maimuna, Micheal Nancy Erika, Saleh Jamila and Adeleke Adeniran Maryam
73-82 |
9. |
Phytochemical screening of Xanthium strumarium and Argemone mexicana
Gajanan D. Wadankar, Janhavi J. Bakal and Sadashiv K. Arsod
83-92 |
10. |
Residual Effect of Lime and P Fertilizer Levels on Selected Soil Chemical Properties and Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Yield on Acidic Soil in Banja District, North-Western Ethiopia.
Wubayehu Gebremedhin, Mesfin Kuma and Getachew Yilma
93-102 |
11. |
Response of starter nitrogen dose on rhizobial inoculants applications for the productivity of soybean in Metekel zone of North western Ethiopia
Getachew Yilma, Wubayehu Gebremedihn, and Mamo Bekele
103-107 |
12. |
Prevalence of major gastrointestinal nematodes on bovine in and around Hirna town, Tullo District, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia
Usman Siraj Usman and Ziyad Mohammed Bilal
108-119 |
13. |
Phytochemical analysis of Tinospora cordifolia and Adhatoda vasica
Gajanan D. Wadankar, Mayuri V. Kute and Pooja R. Wankhede
120-128 |
14. |
Effect of Heavy Metal Chromium on Haematological Parameters of Clarias batrachus
Dr. Ashok Kumar
129-135 |
15. |
A review on Climate change and hydrological models
Mekin Mohammed Yimam
136-143 |
16. |
Conservation Agriculture as Climate Change Mitigation
Mekin Mohammed Yimam
144-155 |
17. |
Effects of eucalyptus plantation on Environment and water resource
Mekin Mohammed Yimam, Leta Hailu
156-163 |
18. |
In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Silver nanoparticle from edible mushroom
M. Indumathi and J.Ishwarya
164-170 |
19. |
The lethal dose 50 (LD50) and weight effect of Ageratum conyzoides Methanol leaf extract on Aloxan-induced diabetic rats.
Paul Chijioke OZIOKO; Ukamaka E OWOH-ETETET; Josephat Ejike OZOR and Mallam Idris ABDULLAHI
171-184 |
20. |
Effect of seasonal changes on the biological composition of Charybdis feriatus
A. Murali Shankar, E. Srikarnasekar, T. Santhosh Kumar and P. Soundarapandian
185-198 |