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Volume 4 - Issue 10 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Review of Karuppaikatti with special reference to Siddha Medicine.
A.Vanitha, Suvetha.C, RM.Pushparani, G.Seethalakshmi
1-3 |
2. |
Prevalence and Monetary Loss of Stilesia Hepatica among Small Ruminants Slaughtered at ELFORA Industrial Abattoir
Muleta Legesse and Mekonnen Addis
4-9 |
3. |
The Distribution of Tsetse Flies Species and other Biting Flies in Mareka District of Dawuro Zone, Southern Ethiopia
10-14 |
4. |
Prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium parasitism in rural population of Cubal city, Province of Benguela, Angola
Filomena Conceição Costa Bartolomeu, Antonio Neres Norberg, Fabiano Guerra Sanches, José Tadeu Madeira de Oliveira, Paulo César Ribeiro, Paulo Roberto Blanco Moreira Norberg, Nicolau Maués Serra Freire
15-20 |
5. |
Study on Helminth Parasites in Tilapia nilotica from Lake Zeway, Ethiopia
Temesgen Bihonegn and Getachew Tilahun
21-25 |
6. |
Review on Serum Biochemical Changes in Ruminants Infected with Major Trypanosome Species
Addisu Awekew, Belay Fetene and Eyob Eshetu
26-35 |
7. |
CO2 gas exchange in Crassulacean acid metabolism and C3 and C4 plants
Hamid kheyrodin and Sadaf kheyrodin
36-43 |
8. |
Significant Factors Influencing Wound Infection After Inguinal Hernia Surgery
Dr: Kareem A. Ahmed Alobaidy Dr: Mohamad Theyab Hamad Hussein
44-50 |
9. |
Kinetics Of The Hyoid Skeleton Of The Rock Dove (Patagioenas livia)
Fatma A. Al-Nefeiy
51-61 |
10. |
Food insecurity and nutritional status of mothers in Abia and Imo states, Nigeria.
Asomugha, Ijeoma C. and Uwaegbute, A.C. and Obeagu, Emmanuel Ifeanyi
62-77 |
11. |
Molecular Docking Analysis of Potential Dipeptidyl peptidase- 4 (DPP-4) Inhibitors from Siddha formulation Pungampoo Chooranam for treating Diabetes mellitus
J. Nisha
78-85 |
12. |
Community - Based forest protection: an investigation into forest reserves in Ondo state, Nigeria.
Iwala, O.S. and Oladapo, A.
86-94 |
13. |
Dehydration capacity and germination of the generative seeds of Syzygium guineense subsp. macrocarpum (Myrtaceae) in Benin.
Romaël Badjrêhou Badou, Hounnankpon Yedomonhan, Eben-Ezer B.K. Ewédjè & Giscard Guezodjè
95-104 |
14. |
Examining the dry mouth in hemodialysis patients
Sadeghdehghanmehr, Elhamallahyari, Safooranooraeen
105-109 |
15. |
The Relationship between Leadership Style of Head Nurses and Career Independence of Nurses in Educational Hospitals of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences
Zahra Marziyeh Hassanian, Amaj Rahrovan, Arezoo Shayan, Maryam Farhadian, Amir Sadeghi
110-115 |
16. |
Hemato - Biochemical Responses under Stress of Mancozeb Fungicide (75 % WP) in Male Albino Rat.
Ahmed, A. Gh. Farag and Gamila, A. M. Kotb
116-127 |
17. |
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of Pt(II), Pd(II), Ni(II), Co(III) and Cu(II) complexes of N-allyl-N'-(4-methylthiazol)-2ylthiourea
Suhair M. S. Jambi and Samir S. Kandil
128-137 |
18. |
Gastroprotective potentials of aqueous leaf extracts of Phyllanthus amarus on ibuprofen-induced ulcer in Wistar rats.
Berezi, E.P. Uwakwe, A A., Monago-Ighorodje,C.C,. Nwauche, K. T.
138-146 |
19. |
Role of biofertilizers in combination with organic and inorganic nutrient sources in enhancement of growth in Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata)
Abhilasha Srivastava
147-150 |
20. |
Characterization of creole avocado fruits harvested from both central and northern regions of Guerrero, Mexico
Damián-Nava A. Palemón-Alberto F., Moreno-Juárez J., Hernández-Castro E., Damián-Díaz P. E., Vargas-Álvarez D.. Díaz-Villaseñor G., Villegas-Torres O. G., y Reyes-García G
151-159 |
21. |
Protective effect of betanin against streptozotocin - nicotinamide induced liver, kidney and pancreas damage by attenuating lipid byproducts and improving renal biomarkers in Wistar rats
Dhananjayan Indumathi, Kathiroli Sujithra, Subramani Srinivasan, Veerasamy Vinothkumar
160-170 |
22. |
Molecular analysis of heat shock protein with different stress and lipase production from the gut associated microorganisms of Bombyx mori. L
Soma Prabha, A. and Prabakaran, V.
171-178 |
23. |
Studies on CO2 flux and carbon sequestration in natural Grass communities under natural Chir-pine forests of Indian North West Himalayas
Vipan Guleria, Amol Vashist and Thiru Selvan
179-184 |
24. |
Lung lobes pattern in indigenous gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa)
Yousif Rafea Jumaah and Prof. Dr. Farhan Owdah Rabia
185-193 |
25. |
Expression of some genes associated with aggressivity at the different Broomrape Races
Duca Maria, Boicu Adriana, Abdua Daniela
194-203 |
26. |
Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Micropropagation of Adhatoda vasica
Abdhul. K., P. Bandana Devi, Balagopal. C.P.
204-208 |
27. |
Low cost in vitro callus Production and Identification of Secondary Metabolites in Tylophora indica (Burm. F.) Merrill.
L. Rajavel and R. Stephan
209-220 |
28. |
Antagonistic activity of Pediococcus isolated from bakasang againts Pseudomonas fluorescens (producing-histamine bacteria)
Helen Joan Lawalata, Ni Wayan Suriani
221-225 |