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December - 2015 Volume 2 - Issue 12 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Molecular confirmation of Vibrio alginolyticus
K. Arunagiri and T. Sivakumar |
1–6 |
2. |
Nutritional aspect of crustaceans especially freshwater crabs of India.
Mohua Das, J. K. Kundu, and K. K. Misra |
7–19 |
3. |
Morphological and growth studies of fungi isolated from marine ecosystem
S. Priya and T.Sivakumar
20-33 |
4. |
Selection of Proper Method for Evapotranspiration under Limited Meteorological Data
D.D Khedkar, P.K.Singh, S.R Bhakar, Mahesh Kothari, H. K. Jain and V.D. Mudgal
34–44 |
5. |
N-acetyl cysteine substantially enhances the antimicrobial activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles against multidrug resistant pathogens
Selwan Hamed, Mohamed Emara, Riham M. Shawky, Ramadan A. El-domany & Tareq Youssef |
45–59 |
6. |
Optimization of the usage of commercial lime for the inhibition of fermentation of sweet sugary saps of Borassus flabellifer and Caryota urens
Ranganathan Kapilan
60–66 |
7. |
Mass Multiplication of Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A Highly Potential Medicinal Plant
Dr. Kochuthressia K.P and Dr. Jaseentha M.O.
67–72 |
8. |
Optimization of salinity and temperature for the efficient seed germination of Momocardia charantia
Nirosha Razeek, Thananthika Sittampalam and Ranganathan Kapilan
73–80 |
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