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Volume 9 - Issue 7 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
Cultivation of mentha in nontraditional area for higher productivity of oil
Amar Singh, V.K. Kanaujia, I.P. Singh and Sushil Kumar
1-3 |
2. |
Effect of duration of seed storage after shelling on seed quality of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties in Asossa district, Western Ethiopia
Fekede Tena
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijarbs.2022.09.07.002
4-13 |
3. |
Effect of different cultivars of vegetable pea (Pisum sativum) on green pods production under changing climate.
Amar Singh, V.K. Kanaujia, M.K. Singh and Sushil Kumar
14-17 |
4. |
Effect of Seed and NPS Fertilizer rates supplemented with N on yield Components, yield and grain quality of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at low land of East Shawa, Ethiopia
Usman Kedir
18-40 |
5. |
Evaluation of Anticancer activity of hydroalcoholic extract of Cassia occidentalis (CO-A002) in 3 human cancer cell lines
Narinder Kumar, Kiran Bala and Surjeet Singh
41-48 |
6. |
Semisolid formulation of Cucumber and Almond -A Review
Jayshree R. Aate, Dr. Satish Kosalge, Shivani V. Kodape and Madhuri Khaire.
49-61 |
7. |
Echinococcosis/hydatidosis, Epidemiology Risk Factors, Economic and Public Health Significance in Ethiopia
Kasahun Guyasa, Edilu Jorga and Yacob Hailu Tolossa
62-72 |
8. |
Cone snail venom a peptide as Anticiceptive: A Review
Jayshree R. Aate, Sakshi Wairagade, Manisha G. Suryavanshi, Sonali S. Masirkar, Naznin D. Sheikh.
73-88 |
9. |
Pre-extension Demonstration of Fish-Poultry-Horticulture Integration Farming System in East Shoa, Dugda and North Shoa, Yaya Gulele, Oromia, Ethiopia
Derribew Hailu, Daba Tugie and Megerssa Endebu
89-98 |
10. |
Evaluating the Performance of Rice Crop through Application of Urea Stable and Conventional Urea in Pawe District, North Western Ethiopia
Mesfin Kuma, Getachew Yilma, Wubayehu Gebra Medini and Mamo Bekele
99-107 |
11. |
H. pylori Infection in human Gastrointestinal Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Control: A review
Waqar Ahmad Khan, Shahid Alishah
108-119 |
12. |
Comparative study on hydatidosis in slaughtered cattle and camels at Akaki municipal abattoir, its economic impacts and public awareness in Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Kasahun Guyasa, Edilu Jorga and Yacob Hailu Tolossa
120-136 |
13. |
Study on Causes and Occurrence of Lameness on Cart Horses in Asella and Robe Towns East Arsi Zone South East Ethiopia
Jemal Siraj, Belay Walelign, Tekalign Woldehana
137-146 |
14. |
Review on the role of Monoclonal Antibody in animal disease diagnosis
Belay Walelig Moges, Tekalign Woldehana Uro
144-160 |
15. |
Observations on taxonomy, percentage composition, density and seasonal variations of rotifers of the genus Lecane in a pond ecosystem of Tripura, India
Chakrabarti Saumen
161-168 |
16. |
Variability Assessment of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Genotypes in Ethiopian for Qualitative Traits
Flagote Alemu
169-176 |
17. |
Estimating the Available Feed Resources and Production Constraints of Livestock Development in South Gondar, Amhara National Regional State
Tilahun Debela
177-186 |
18. |
Improved Lupin (Lupinus albus L.) Cultivars Field Performance Under North-West Ethiopia
Zeru Yimer Kebede
187-197 |
19. |
Verification and Demonstration of Low-Cost and Appropriate Micro-Irrigation System for Crop Production Under Smallholder Farmers Condition in Pawe District of Metekel Zone.
Demeke Tamane Mitku, Temesgen Fentahun Adamite, Ashebir Haile Tefera
198-206 |
20. |
Research report on proven sweet lupin varieties demonstration under North-West Ethiopia
Zeru Yimer Kebede
207-211 |
21. |
Review on Development and Status of Drip Irrigation in Ethiopia
Demeke Tamane Mitku
212-219 |
22. |
Study the performance of IDRS as screening tool for undiagnosed cases of diabetes and to find the prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes in tribal area of Palghar district.
Dr. Sunita Ogale, Sanghadeep Gajbhiye, Sushant Varekar, Shivanshu Mishra,
Piyusha Rakvi, Gayatri Kumbhar, Dhanashree Pawar, Yashika Nanavare.
220-229 |
23. |
Advances in Breeding Methodologies to Develop Resistance Genes against Blast: A Review
Netsanet Abera Muluneh
230-238 |
24. |
Recovery of butter from camel milk by blending with cow milk at different proportion.
Abebe Gemechu
239-247 |
25. |
Pre-extension Demonstration of Integrated Fish-Poultry-Horticulture-Livestock Feed Production System at Wayu Tuka District, East Wollega Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Alemayehu Abebe Wake, Addis Hailu, Daba Tugie, Derribew Hailu, Lema Abera (PhD) and Mathewos Hailu
248-261 |
26. |
Prevalence of small ruminant coccidiosis in Pawe District, Metekel Zone, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Ethiopia
Prevalence of small ruminant coccidiosis in Pawe District, Metekel Zone, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Ethiopia
262-272 |
27. |
Diversity, Distributional status of the Endemic stream -Fishes in Palani hills
S.Kalaimani, Y.Thangam, S.Kowsalya
273-280 |
28. |
Targeting cellular organelles for Neuroprotection in Neurodegenerative Diseases- A Narrative Review
Amit Ranjan, Rashmi
281-288 |
29. |
Review on sheep and goat pox virus disease
Negesa Gedefa Areda and Yalew Abiyu Senbeto
289-294 |
30. |
Performance Evaluation of Cobb 500 Broilers under On-station Management in Pawe, Benishangul Gumuz, Ethiopia
Habtie Arega, Ferede Alemu, Mezgebu Getnet, and Yalew Abiyu
295-302 |
31. |
Isolation and identification of drought resistant bacteria for plant growth promoting properties and their effect on seedling under salt stress
T.Thiripurasundari, M.Chellakannu and Dr.T.Panneerselvam
303-319 |